Prices and additional services


North Stafforshire and Cheshire East




Dog Walking Prices

30 minute Solo walk - £12
45 minute Solo walk - £15

1 hour Group walk - £14

Charge per additional dog from same house hold - £5

Pet Sitting Prices

Dog Over Night Stays - Sits are from owners home from £40 per night on week day and £50 per night on a Saturday and Sunday. Services start from 17:00hrs per day until 10:00am the following day. Included in this service are morning and evening walks.

Cat Sitting - £10 per day, includes x2 visits a day morning and evening. This service includes litter tray cleaning, social play time and feeding.

Small domestic animals - £8 per day for x1 visit per day. Includes Rabbits, Hamsters, Fish, Guinea Pigs ect. Services include feeding and cleaning out.